The foundation of agenda of the journal “Oil Crops” is to provide the scientists involved in agricultural research with the possibility of exchanging scientific and practical data at domestic and international levels on the results of scientific research of oil, essential-oil, industrial, grain and grain legume crops; to acquaint readers with the world’s best practices of the introduction of scientific developments.
The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, teachers, young scientists and postgraduate students, agricultural specialists interested in current problems of breeding and seed growing of agricultural plants, crop farming, technologies and means of agricultural mechanization, economy and production, plant protection and immunology.
The journal publishes scientific articles, reviews, short reports in accordance with the subject of the following sections:
– breeding and seed growing of agricultural plants;
– general crop farming, plant growing;
– technologies and means of agriculture mechanization;
– economy and production;
– plant protection and immunology;
– short reports;
– review articles;
– breeding achievements.
The aims and scope you can view in the respective section.
The selection of articles is carried out by the editorial board based on editorial goals and objectives of the journal.
The journal is published in Russian, the title of articles, abstracts, key words, information about authors is also presented in English. The journal is bilingual, therefore it is also possible to publish articles in English.
The journal “Oil Crops” is published twice in a half-year period (4 issues per year). It is a printed issue (format 60 × 84 and 1/8).
There is no fee for the publication of articles for PG students.
The policy of free access is in a special section.
The journal “Oil Crops” is peer-reviewed. It is included in the List of publications included in the international databases recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publication of the main scientific results of theses for the academic degree of a doctor, candidate of sciences in biological sciences (03.03.00) and agronomy (06.01.00).
It is included in the AGRIS database.
It is indexed in RINTs.
The editorial board gives priority to articles contributing for the further development of theoretical knowledge in the given area due to methodology and/or new techniques, or containing practical recommendations based on summation of advanced experience and best practices.
The editors try to avoid conflicts of interest in the process of reviewing. In the case of a conflict of interest, the reviewer is obliged to inform the editorial office of it and decline reviewing.
Peer-review procedure is in a special section.
Anti–plagiarism policy
The journal publishes only original high-quality scientific works. If the author(s) use excerpts from other articles (in English or other languages) in his works, he/she must provide links to sources or obtain permission from the previous publisher or copyright owner. Articles in which plagiarism is present are not allowed for publication. If, after checking the article by the ANTIPLAGIAT system, plagiarism is detected in it, the author, the relevant institution and the funding organization (if any) will be notified of the refusal of publication for the above reason. All articles sent to the editorial board must be checked in the Anti-plagiarism program. The editorial board of the journal accepts for publication articles that have been tested in the program and have originality no less than 70%.