The journal “Oil Crops” publishes the results of completed original theoretical and experimental research in the field of breeding, genetics, seed production, physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agrochemistry, immunity, plant protection, cultivation technology of oil and essential-oil crops, mechanization and economics of their production. The editorial board of the journal makes the decision on the article’s publication after its review, taking into account the scientific significance and relevance of the presented materials.
General requirements for the manuscripts presentation
When writing an article, special attention should be paid to the clarity and laconic style, accuracy and consistency in the presentation of material.
Manuscripts are printed on one side of an A4 sheet with one and a half line spacing. Font is Times New Roman, size 14 pt. Paragraph indention is 1.25 cm.
All manuscripts are sent to the editorial office in electronic and paper form. The paper version of the article should be signed by the author(s) and authorized by the department’s head.
The title of the article should be brief and reflect the content of the work. Latin names of the research objects in the title should be written in accordance with the generally accepted rules of taxonomic nomenclature. Latin names in the title of the article should be written without abbreviations.
The structure of manuscript
We work in AIMRaDC format (Abstract, Introduction, Materials&Methods, Results&Discussion, Conclusion), which is one of the world wide standards for structures scientific article.
All articles should have:
1) the title (in capital letters with center alignment and without hyphenation);
2) initials and surname (surnames) of the author (co-authors), job position, academic degree (in English and Russian);
3) the address of the scientific institution, phone number, fax number, e-mail (in English and Russian);
4) the full name of the institution where the author(s) work (in English and Russian);
5) UDC;
6) keywords;
7) the abstract (printed on a separate page in English and Russian) should reflect the content of the article, since it will be the main source of information about the research for readers.
Requirements to the abstract: the recommended size is 200-250 words, no more than 2000 symbols. Do not start the abstract with the repetition of the article’s title! It is necessary to highlight the research’s purpose, methods, results (preferably with the mention of quantitative data) and clearly state the conclusions. Breakdown into paragraphs and usage of introductory words and phrases are not allowed!
8) the experimental part, which includes the following subsections: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION. If there are subtitles in sections, they are also typed on a separate line. If the authors with to express gratitude to individuals and/or scientific funds (programs) that contributed to the completion of the published work, then the relevant information is given at the end of the article before the references. The editors reserve the right to abridge and correct the manuscript by agreement with the author.
The execution of the article’s text, including tables and captions to the figures, is carried out in accordance with the current National State Standards.
The figures should contain minimum of inscriptions, separate fragments are denoted by Arabic numerals or letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet, which are deciphered in the captions.
Each table should have a thematic title. If there are more than one table in the text, they have to be numbered. Tables should be compact and should not exceed the size of a printed page.
9) the list of references is given in accordance with the current National State Standards for bibliographic description of documents with numeration in the order of references in the text. The list is also duplicated in the Latin alphabet.
If any of the abovementioned items are not fulfilled, the article will not be taken into consideration. The materials submitted to the editorial office are not returned. Fees are not paid. The article included in the journal’s issue are available for free on the Internet, their English versions are also allowed.